Luke Skywalker Battled Darth Vader In The Library!

Jurong Regional Library
Jurong East
West, Singapore
04 May 2014

As the headline goes... This was part of the Star Wars Day celebration in Singapore.

About Star Wars Day

Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher was elected on May 4, 1979 - two years after Star Wars was released. Entertainment Weekly reports that an ad in the London Evening News read, “May The Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations.”

A huge crowd had gathered - And of course, the Gen X-er parents are the more ardent fans...

Posing for photos before it all began...
It wasn’t until years later that the phrase truly took off - In 2011, the Toronto Underground Cinema in Canada put together an organized celebration with a costume contest and a film festival. Now businesses have caught on to this unofficial holiday by offering special deals and discounts on Star Wars-related merchandise.
A banner for the new game....

Journey To The West

The first-ever local fan-initiated version was held on Sunday at the Jurong Regional Library, featuring a line-up of activities tailor-made for and by Star Wars fanatics themselves.

Making appearances were 501st Legion Singapore Garrison, the local outpost of an international charity Star Wars cosplay group; and FightSaber Singapore, a performance troupe known for its intricate lightsaber choreography. 

Finally - the fanfare to the Imperial March as Darth Vader enters the scene...

And ascend the lighted stage...

Jedis exhibiting their lightsaber skills...

Watch them in action!

A young padawan in training...

It felt as if Jurong Regional Library was being stormed...

Hello, hello, anyone inside? - 
This boy tries to find out by tapping then knocking then shaking the TIE Fighter Pilot...

A row of Stormtroopers line up the front as Darth Vader prepares to do battle with Luke Skywalker...

Move away everyone - As light meets dark steps onto the stage...

The ending is a surprise...

Truly a program for Stars Wars fans with the showing of the hour-long documentary about Stars Wars toys, Plastic Galaxy (2012) by Brian Stillman.

 Reliving the different versions of the toys all the way back from 1978's Kenner handpainted collectibles...

A sense of normality as Luke Skywalker rides up the escalator...

Many, many people here as it was a rare opportunity to see all these in a single location...

Hundreds of collectibles on display, some from as old as the 1970s and others from overseas collections... 

Definitely a galaxy pilot's dream collection with the X-Wings, ATAT Walkers, Tie Fighters...

Sales of custom Stormtrooper helmets by local and overseas artists, with proceeds going toward helping the less privileged...