Official Launch of Ethereal by Watabe Wedding & Jessicacindy

Watabe Wedding, the world's leading bridal corporation extends their management of Chijmes Hall to include Caldwell, fresh from the 2015 revamp of the entire Chijmes Complex. Caldwell House will serves as a complement to the current Chijmes Hall - an exquisite venue for intimate weddings and cosy corporate events.

Leading the design team in the collaboration is Singapore designer, Jessicacindy Hartono, Creative Director of Jessicacindy, known for her intricate wedding and couture pieces. The collaboration label, titled Ethereal by Watabe Wedding and Jessicacindy will feature their first collection of 31 different looks of wedding and event creations inspired by nature and the architecture of Chijmes Hall.

 Minutes before the launch...

Official launch of the evening couture creations by Ethereal by Watabe Wedding & Jessicacindy with the exclusive presentation of dresses from flowy silhouettes of white and iridescent pastel shades to delicate lace textures with patterns of opalescent frost...

The Fenella gown, the flower child of opulence for Ethereal, one of beautiful creations at the Ethereal Chijmes Show 2016 at Chijmes Hall... 

The unique purpose-made replica tile given to all guests as a souvenir...

This design mirrors many other similar ones of neoclassical identity seen lining
Memory Aisle at Chijmes Hall...