Colours, Sights & Patterns At Kampong Glam

In the 19th century, Kampong Glam was essentially an ethnic district with a strong Malay-Arab influence. It was a place where locals patronized for their Arab-Muslim traditional foodstuff and merchandise...

Chinatown Street Market 2014 - Walk Walk Walk

South Bridge Road, Chinatown Central, Singapore January 2014 To traverse the street market, one has to walk, walk and walk along the streets in Chinatown so that one can see what the stallholders have to sell, sell, sell in order to make a good decision on what to buy, buy, buy...    Not all of Chinatown is bustling. Food Street is closed for renovations... Railings all ready in case of huge crowds at night and during the weekends...   ...

Chinatown Street Market 2014 - Sell Sell Sell

South Bridge Road, Chinatown Central, Singapore January 2014 At the Chinese New Year street market, sellers galore. Makeshift stalls are decked with goods - both edible and inedible - in the brightest colours of the rainbow. Stallholders shout and call into loudspeakers and give out hundreds of free samples. All so that more customers will come. And Buy, Buy, Buy... Yes, you are here - right in the heart of the Chinese New Year street market...

Chinatown Street Market 2014 - Buy Buy Buy

South Bridge Road, Chinatown Central, Singapore January 2014 It is a fortnight before the arrival of the Spring Festival. On a breezy weekday, housewives, tourists, office workers taking an afternoon off are at the Chinese New Year street market. You need to be early, to secure the freshest buys, so that what you need will not be snapped up in the rush coming soon in the days ahead. Stallholders are ever eager to Sell, Sell, Sell to you... On...