FIVE Square - Making An Ice Cold Beer

FIVE Square
Great Eastern Centre
Pickering Street

FIVE Bar, $5 food and drink specials offered all-day-every-day, now has a corner in FIVE Square at Great Eastern Centre in Pickering Street. The Bar delivers the FIVE tradition of offering all day happy hour and a great environment for merry-making without breaking the bank. Order a glass amidst the company of the most adrenaline-pumping sports matches on huge flat screens, or singalong with charismatic local bands.

The huge selection of alcohol at $5 a pop for drinks specials...

Mix it with a cosy ambience...

And stage performances from local bands...

The beers here at FIVE Square are technically chilled 3 times. 

First, visit the Cold Room to enjoy winter-like temperatures where beer and wine are stored.

The piped beer from the cans with the state-of-the-art filtration and pressure system...

Perfect place to chill those premium wines too...

The beer is channelled to The Bar where it undergoes chilling with the inbuilt refrigeration system. As the final step, the glass is chilled. For best effects, chill it longer in the stream of cold water...

Fill it from the tap with steady hands, then tilt it slightly to reduce the foam...

There you have it, a perfect cup of ice-cold beer...

... More on FIVE Square ...
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